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STREAM Middle School

August 14th, 2021

Catholic Academy of Waterbury is beginning its fourth year as a STREAM school, including our departmentalized Middle School students in Grades 6-8.  STEM is an exciting and important addition to our traditionally successful programming.  Typically, local magnet/public schools will take on a theme including Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  However, not only does Catholic Academy of Waterbury include these, but as a STREAM school, religion and the arts are also meaningfully integrated in our nationally acclaimed curriculum standards.  Most or all Middle School students at Catholic Academy of Waterbury perform at or above grade-level on standardized assessments as compared to about 40% of students at local magnet/public schools.  Spotlighting some of the extraordinary achievement this year, we even had some sixth graders score well into the high school level in the area of writing!  While we know there are a variety of circumstances that contribute to successful students, we can wholeheartedly attest to our deep commitment to your child's personal and academic pursuits, providing them an innovative education in a loving and faith-filled environment.

We have limited openings for the 2021-2022 school year in Grades 6 and 7.  We are currently accepting applications on a wait list for Grade 8.

Posted in the category STREAM.